National Ozone Unit
It is a unit established in the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency and works as a secretariat for the National Ozone Committee. It is a committee established with the aim of assisting the Environmental Affairs Agency in implementing Egypt's obligations by choosing a mechanism to regulate the import and export of quantities of ozone-depleting substances.
Egyptian Program for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
The Egyptian programme was developed, including the size of the various industrial and commercial activities that require the application of alternatives, as well as a draft of general decisions and rules for implementing Egyptian obligations.The Egyptian program for the protection of the ozone layer includes many industrial and agricultural sectors, including:

Our Success Partners
The Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol was established in 1991 under Article 10 of the Treaty. The objective of the Fund is to provide financial and technical assistance to developing country Parties to the Montreal Protocol with annual per capita consumption and production of ozone-depleting substances below 0.3 kilograms to comply with the Protocol's control measures. The activities of the Multilateral Fund are implemented by four international agencies and bilateral agencies of non-Article 5 countries.

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Sunday, March 10, 2024
Eventsالاحتفال باليوم العالمي لحماية طبقة الأوزون
Institutional Support Unit
Institutional Support Unit for the Montreal Protocol for the Protection of the Ozone Layer
• Strengthening the National Ozone Unit in Article 5 countries to be able to provide a suitable environment in the country for the rapid phase-out of ozone-depleting substances during the follow-up to the Montreal Protocol projects for the protection of the ozone layer
• Implementing Egypt's obligations to protect the ozone layer.
• Submit periodic and annual reports in accordance with the Montreal Protocol rules..
Project start date
Project end date
Development Partners
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol (MLF) United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Climate Change
Some of our achievements in numbers